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Thursday, 16 October 2014

Second Week's Production Meetings

Now that we had the track decided, we tried to be more specific about the set-ups in our music video and what we would need in regards to set design:

We also decided on specific shots that we knew we wanted in our video, having produced the steal-o-matic (see previous post). After attempting to be specific from purely listening to the song, we realised that this would be incredibly difficult. Therefore, we looked at the lyrics and produced a breakdown of what we envisaged at each part of the song:

To our surprise, this proved to be one of the most beneficial parts of our planning process as it allowed us to create a relationship between the lyrics, image and music; the key basis of a music video. This stage of planning also helped us to decide whether our video would illustrate, amplify or offer disjuncture with both the music and the lyrics. We decided to make our video an illustration of the two.

Having made the key decisions behind the codes and concepts of our video, we then decided to return to the planning of our specific set-ups and set design. We found that this was much easier now we had decided on the basis for our video:

Having looked specifically at each set up with regards to both visuals and technicalities, we had a much stronger concept for our music video. This also provided us with knowledge of practicalities. For example, we previously had the idea of using neon paint, however before speaking to the media technician we didn't know if this was possible. Having discussed this, we were able to re-adjust our idea to make it practical for a smaller space as we were told we could only black-light a small room. Similarly, we changed our original idea of projections to overlaying footage as, after evaluating the practicalities, we realised that projections would not look as good in the final product. In addition to this, we created a list of things to try out which would be crucial to our video:

Throughout the planning stage, we found that making lists of things to do was very useful as it enabled us to use our time in the following meeting most productively and efficiently.

Now that we had looked at both the practical and visual side of the project, we decided that we were ready to move on to the next stage of the project.

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