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Thursday, 11 September 2014


When creating a music video it is incredibly important to gain an understanding of the audience and their interests in order to satisfy their uses and gratifications. It is also important to consider their interests outside of music in order to gain an understanding of what they would enjoy watching in a video. For example, if fans of a certain genre tend to like a certain movement such as pop art, then it would be a good idea to include some intertexual references to pop art in the music video. This increases the appeal to the intended audience.
 Using Survey Monkey, I created a survey and asked people to fill it out in order to gain some research of audiences and their interests with regards to music. From my research I discovered that among young people, house seems to be an incredibly popular genre. This corresponds with my previous research of the current market which showed that dance music is becoming increasingly popular in the charts. In addition, I found that Youtube is the most popular way that people get and discover music, with 100% of people answering this. This is helpful to music videos as Youtube is a video hosting platform so this means that the audience are likely to watch music videos. I also found that 75% of people said they enjoy watching music videos.
The contrast in music tastes of the two respondents shown above demonstrates the ways in which taste and interests differ depending on age and gender. It is a common conception that younger people are more into typical pop music, but when they get older they discover different music types such as rock and dance music. This is actually shown in these results. Therefore, it is important to consider age and gender of our audience in order to create a profile and gain an insight into what they're like and what they are interested in, in order to best understand how to satisfy their needs while corresponding to the uses and gratifications theory. Some examples of uses and gratifications include diversion, personal relationships and personal identity.

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