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Monday, 23 June 2014

3.Are you pleased with the footage and your edit? Is it how you expected it to look?

When we got to see the footage we were really impressed with it. It looked incredibly professional and surprisingly similar to the original video. It was actually even better than we expected it to look, especially once we had placed it all in order.

Some of the footage wasn't the same as the original, for example we had to use a Vespa instead of a car because we couldn't get this into the studio. Despite there being some inaccuracy and a few continuity errors as there was nothing to copy for these shots, I feel that we did the best that we could and it also added some character to our version of the video, making it more personal to us as well as allowing for some creativity.

Our Version

The Original
I was very pleased with Georgie and my edit as it was pretty much all in sync with the music, and we used the available footage well to maximize the potential of the video. Some of the lighting in the shoot was different to the original so we did have to spend a long time grading each shot, however this greatly approved the appearance and realism of the video as a whole. The way in which we edited using a performance bed was different to how we have edited in the past which proved a challenge, however we soon got used to it and were also quickly able to sync video with audio.
Overall I was very impressed with our edit and proud of the final outcome. It was better than I had ever expected it to be.

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